Tuesday, June 18, 2013

I Laughed My Tail Off!

After finding the dead mouse under the couch I needed to calm myself.  I snuggled up on the family's best chair with a book I found between the cushion and the arm, also I found some delicious old popcorn!  To be honest, this book did not look too relaxing or calming, it had a crazy cover , and the title was "The Great Cat Conspiracy", by Katie Davies.  The cat had a snaggly tooth, which made me nervous.
I started to read it anyway, since I was too lazy to get up and choose another book, and it made me laugh so hard drool shot out of one of my nostrils.  I was glad no one was home to see that.
Anna and Suzanne are best friends, and they live next door to each other, in one of those houses that's connected but with a wall between.  There's a little brother Tom who is always eating cookies, and some very silly neighbors, and a Dad who is always yelling, and a New Cat.  The New Cat has replaced the Old Cat, who died, and the New Cat likes to attack feet and anything else that moves, and one day it disappears.  No one notices but Tom, and even cookies can't make him feel better.  So Anna and Suzanne and Tom try to find the New Cat, and their search leads them into all sorts of trouble and also some amazing discoveries.  But what you need to know is that this book will make you laugh and laugh, and you will want to then read:
"The Great Dog Disaster" - which features a dog named Beatrice who "smelled like Graham Roberts's PE bag with a dead vole at her back end.  And at the front she smelled like Mrs. Constantine's pond, the time it went green with slime and all the fish floated to the top."  Find out how the girls and Tom save Beatrice, and how Beatrice saves Tom from the ducks and the river, and becomes a dog hero.  Also, find out about Mrs.Rotherham's huge underwear and why Beatrice is wearing them, and why the Ark got flattened at Sunday  School, and why Tom is wearing an inflatable dinghy and a furry black rug.  You won't be disappointed, and you will definitely laugh your tail off!


  1. Catching up on a couple of weeks of entries and I really enjoy Princess' style and taste (which she references frequently in terms of chickens and bones and the like!) While reading this entry, I suddenly realized that Princess' addiction to reading reminds me of what happens to HM the Queen in Alan Bennett's novella, The Uncommon Reader. So I guess Princess comes by her royal name honestly!

  2. So far my little two "Mom can we please get a pet, please" kiddos are enjoying the Great Cat Conspiracy. Thanks for the recommendation Princess!
