Saturday, May 25, 2013

Love, literature and Catching Fire

My human mother says true love is not minding when your dog licks you even when you know she's just eaten her dog food and quite possibly has also been cleaning her own bottom.  She also tells me that sometimes people need extra love. Like The Little One, who didn't get enough when she was really little, so I have to be extra patient when she is doing silly things with my ears, and sometimes she needs to get all the attention and I have to wait for my walk.  She also tells me that sometimes loving yourself is the hardest thing.  Humans are complicated.  For me it's easy!  I give love, I get love.  I have boundless love, and I get boundless love in return.  No words are needed.
We are reading "Catching Fire" by Suzanne Collins together.  It is a little hard for me, so I lie on her legs and she explains the hard parts.  There's a lot of action, but also a lot of questions about love.  Katniss (why couldn't it have been Dogniss????) is back from the Games, and there's two guys, Peeta and Gale.  She's known Gale ever since they were puppies, and she feels closer to him than to most others.  But Peeta loves her with a dog-like devotion, and she said she loved him in front of her whole world, and she is expected to love him forever.  I'm still confused about this, but bad things will happen to her and other people if she doesn't marry him.  She is really confused, too!  She doesn't even know what she's really feeling about those two guys, and sometimes she has a lot of trouble loving herself.  Like when she thinks about the poison berries, and about why she did certain things, and whether she's a good person.  Now I'm confused again!
In my world love is simple, at least for me.  In her's there's danger in love, bigger danger than hurting those closest to her.  There's also danger for her whole world!  I can't wait to see what happens in the rest of the book.  In the meantime I will lie on my back and someone will rub my tummy.
Here I am looking for love!

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